Monday, February 14, 2011

Introductory Meeting

University of Utah
Introductory Meeting

Membership is open to ANYONE, in ANY FIELD, interested in being more involved in the arts, STUDENT or NOT!

We will be discussing the aims & goals of the association and planning spring semester events.  If you have any ideas you would like presented at the meeting please email them by Midnight, Wed, Feb 23rd to be put on the agenda or simply bring them with you.  Also, if you have an artistic event or organization to share please bring promotional information to hand out or email it & we'll post it on our blog!RC04 6207 837H K

Friday, February 25th, 3-5pm
Owens Reading Room, Art Bldg #38, 3rd floor
refreshments will be served

contact us at utaharthistorystudentassoc@gmail.

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